Before embarking on this mission, I did a bit of research to gain an understanding of what globbing actually is. While most of my findings were automatically chucked onto the geek shelf, I settled on the the definition most familiar to me:
Glob \ˈgläb\ v. : to do, perform, or create a glob [see glob, n.] c. 21st century
The origins of the noun glob are much murkier. Merriam-Webster postulates that it originated as a blend of globe and blob sometime during the 20th century. This author contests that glob more likely has its roots in the word globule, possibly combined with a misunderstanding of the meaning of blob: Whereas blob denotes an amorphous object, globs, like globules, are distinctly rounded forms. However, since globule itself shares origins with globe, we may excuse MW's imprecision in this case.
With that, I present you with the case of the Bulbous Blobs. Although the controls are somewhat clumsy, the puzzle is fun and addictive, akin to Rush Hour on a slant. If your frustration threshold is high today, you may wish to delve into some of the more maddening puzzles on the site as well (ConSlider is brilliant but barely possible). I am waiting to see these in manipulative form, as the satisfaction of dragging pieces with a mouse is limited.